Saturday, April 30, 2016

Earlier than Ever- Spring brings color!

another purple tribute

pasque perfection

before the rains

white throated sparrow

duck love-in the purple rain

Fred and Ethel- doing a dance

Goldfinch love

Eli and Ricky- a touching goodbye
Spring actually started here in Minnesota about a month ago, with temperatures in the 70s, we watched as the Juncos, stayed.  I like the Juncos, cute birds, but it is always a good sign of Spring when they move on further north   They didn't move on though, until last week!  I even saw one yesterday, but that was understandable since this week's weather was more like what it should have been a month ago. The weather is crazy, so Minnesota. 
It has been a week of cold, purple, rain.  On a sad note,  our sweet Richard the lion heart left us two week ago for the rainbow bridge, and last week our singing Prince left Minnesota too. so I am melancholy.
Our resident ducks, Ethel and Fred returned about three weeks earlier than last year, and they have been returning to the yard more frequently too.  This may be the year they stay and raise a family, which would be fun and challenging!
Today the sun is back, so it will be a scramble of activity today, and probably sore muscles tomorrow.
One thing I will do today is collect more dandelion leaves to make pesto.  I made a dandelion quiche the other day and it was pretty good, and we have lots of organic dandelions, lots, and lots...good for the bees too!
I didn't overdo in the yard, just moved a few strawberry plants and picked alot more dandy leaves and buds,  and I made the dandy pesto, really pretty good.  It has a bit of spicy heat at the end but not overwhelming.  I would make it again.

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