Monday, June 29, 2015

The Older You Get, The Faster It Goes.

The older you get, the faster it goes, especially a Minnesota summer!  We are heading into July, and my goal is to really enjoy the garden.  Everyday I'm reminding myself that it is not about all the weeds, and the variety of bugs eating my plants.  It is about the big picture!  We are providing a haven for bees, butterflies and birds, with a few tasty treats for us.  That was my goal, and it has been achieved.  Working on the visual makeup of the gardens, and the perfect mix of food plants for our friends, and what works best in what area of the garden, will always be a work in progress.  Of course the weeds will continue to be happy about our non chemical yard, and so will all the other creatures!
July's bounty will be savored!
I'm raising Bert and Ernie in the house in a pop up butterfly hutch.  I believe the next stage will be happening soon!  I did find more monarch eggs outside on the milkweed, but when I went back to check, it was all gone.  Glad I found these two to bring inside!  We saw just one other monarch last week, but I haven't found more eggs. 

Bert-the biggest

Strawberries slowing down now- good crop this year!

Eclectic vines collection: Hyacinth, cucumber and bean

Ernie- trying to catch up!


The peas are aplenty!

Seems early for the red lilies, and lots of phlox this summer


disco ribbons to repel the birds from the cherries

Back of house filling in with milkweed, grasses, sage, ninebark, wild petunia, Echinacea....

slowly coming together...

Hyalophora cecropia.  Largest North American Moth-no mouth!

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