Friday, August 13, 2010

A Time to Dig

With alot of help from my brother John digging a BIG hole for one of the ponds, My husband Larry, and I have put in two ponds, added a couple of water plants, and placed Larry's boardwalk over the two ponds to give an illusion of one larger body of water. Looks and sounds great, has already attracted alot more birds, and I've seen some more butterflies going through the yard. I guess if I were to do anything over again I'd change the placement of the smaller pond so we could see it better from the porch, but I don't want to dig any holes that big for awhile, so I'll live with it. Who knows, down the road may add another pond.

I've gotten alot of plants in around the ponds; spiderwort, st. john's wort, short, and medium size daylilies, cinquefoil(which is great to hide the edge of the pone, and I love the leaf), tickweed, and a couple of festuca small mounding grasses. I moved some of the taller daylilies that were already growing behind the pond area, but are way too crowded. I'll need to thin them out again next spring. I also planted the tiny mugho pine, but still have the two narrow arborvitae to plant and two tiger eye sumac to plant. I'm having a difficult time deciding where they should be planted. Hope to get that decided in the next day or two. I'm definitely slowing down a bit because of continued arthritic pain, and weakness in my hands. Hope to find out today/ tomorrow what is going on with that and see if I can stop any progression of the arthritis.


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