(The writing below is actually from May, 2010 when I started this blog on another site that didn't quite suit me, but I wanted to start on a new site with the beginning blog.)
I should have started this a couple of months ago but just thought of doing a blog a couple of weeks ago when I was digging, digging, digging.... lots of grass, dirt, and rocks for my "big dream". I thought having a blog would be a good place to vent a little, share a little, get some advice, and maybe provide a little humor.
My husband, Larry, and I with our three cats moved into our new house in the burbs. We moved from a cute little house in Saint Paul with a tiny little yard that did provide me with some gardening experience. I left it with a nice perennial garden and a tiny little pond, and a big messy River Birch tree. We had a compost container and rain barrels, and I knew those were must haves for the new place. My dream for the new place? A butterfly/ prairie flower garden, a vegetable garden and fruit garden! My goal is to eliminate all grass in the back yard! I want to provide an oasis for butterflies, birds, and us!
We've installed the rain barrels- three 50 gallon barrels, and three compost bins for now, one is temporary.
We have a South facing back yard and have installed a new cedar fence on the East side of the yard, and I've already expanded a big chunk of the flower garden and put in the vegetable garden.
We decided to remove two ash trees, the emerald ash borer has arrived in Minnesota. It was a tough decision, they were nice trees, but we consulted with a few arborists and decided to remove them before they leafed out. We've planted an Evans/Bali cherry tree, and still have a pretty Maple tree, and a Redbud tree that looks like a Bonsai tree.
Today Larry and I were out digging up sod and he again suggested that I hire someone to help with this sod removal( he is not a gardener) but he has been a huge help with everything. I like digging in the dirt, but I have to agree that this could become tedious and tiring if we did it all ourselves, and we are at the place where I want to place a pond, and digging that hole could be torturous. Our old city lot had this great dark, rich soil, and the soil out here is the total opposite. It is full of roots, rocks, and sand. So, this week my goal is to find someone with a sod cutter and have them cut away. Maybe I can get them to cut back my Lilac bushes too....
Before I wrap it up here, I had my first Monarch butterfly in the yard today, and last week an adorable tiny butterfly/moth? landed on a newly planted coreopsis, very exciting!
Signing off for now,