Saturday, September 25, 2021

A Time for Everything, Now a Time to Stop. Well, Slow Down.

After digging out and replanting most of August, it seemed like a "good" idea to remove some of our over crowded and diseased lilac bushes.  We wanted to hire someone to do that, but the tree removal companies just wanted to grind them down, but without chemical killer those roots would be vigorously re-sprouting.

Larry, with a little bit of assistance from me, started digging, and it really didn't seem that horrible, until our backs, and my hip, said NO.  So for the last few weeks Larry's been tackling the 4 stumps with persistence, and has succeeded.  So far we haven't had to go to the doctor, but we have done a lot of ice packs on backs.  

We hope to save one clump of lilacs, it is a good privacy screen, but time will tell if it is healthy enough to save

ugly green service box

.  Until the fate of the last lilac is decided I probably won't be planting in that corner, well maybe a small bush to hide the ugly green service box.

Now, I just need to lay down some more landscape fabric, and mulch, clean out the ponds, harvest the runner beans, clean my tools, roll up my soaker hoses, reconfigure my raised beds... Happy October!


The Last Lilac Stump!

Beautiful non blooming Morning Glory

Larry's Arbor!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

A Breath of Fresh Air

 It is September 1, and there is a dry, refreshing breeze just ever so lightly reminding me that changes are coming.  We've had substantial rain in the past week, 5 inches!  We are in line to get more soon.  I can see the difference in the garden immediately, the plants, like me, are taking a deep breath.

I'm in the beginning of clean up and Fall planting to prepare for next summer.  More drought tolerant plants, one or two drought tolerant fruit plants( honey berry).  

Clean up of diseased lilacs and cone flowers.

Parts of my garden look really barren, and parts of my garden are in more shade than last year, and parts of my garden are still providing an abundance of food for bees, butterflies and birds.

I've realized I can't be everything to every bee, butterfly and bird, but I can provide something for most of them.  I'm like a wayside rest.  Now I just need to decide if I'm satisfied with that.

cucumber tally-2



cucumber tally-2

clean out area, honeysuckle shrub added

lilacs gone, now what?


sedum, the garden savior