Monday, April 6, 2020

Finding Humor, Keeping Hope, A Covid Sort of Spring, A Purposeful Pandemic...

Wow, what a difference a month makes.  A world turned sideways for us humans, but nature has had to deal with us turning it sideways for some time now.  If we think of the world as one giant living organism, it makes sense that it is starting to see us humans as a threat, and is trying to get us to work as part of a united organism, not as a separate and more important entity.  Unfortunately, we humans have short memories, we haven't been too good at passing on the lessons we have learned about our affect on our world when we treat it like a dispensary and a toilet. 

onion area
Glory of the Snow
After a mild winter, especially compared to 2018/2019 our Spring is arriving in a calm tempered manner, our flooding fears are diminishing throughout the state, and Spring perennials are gradually showing themselves.  Fred and Ethel have returned, but are not frequenting the pond as much as usual.  I have already planted onion sets, and the garlic planted last Fall is already up a few inches.  I'm waiting for a warm up before planting the snow peas.  Even though they are a cool weather plant, they always do better sprouting with a bit of warmth.
Fred and Ethel
hens and chicks

Conk in yard!  