So, as in typical Minnesota style, May had a cool turn until this week. So appreciative of the sun! The plants are on their steady march, as are the weeds. I've discovered if I can get at the weeds early in the season, April/May, it just makes it less daunting throughout the season. I've limited myself to the weeds in the beds, not the lawn, unless it is a spectacular intrusion of thistle or some other large intruder! Our dandelion lawn is for the birds and the bees. Speaking of birds and bees... the birds have been plentiful and varied, the hummers are back! The bees, not so much. I'm hoping the cooler weather has just slowed them down a bit, and not an unnamed chemical company's desire to destroy the natural world.
Fred and Ethel keep returning to our pond but I don't think they are going to set up housekeeping in the yard, good thing because I'll probably put the pond pumps in today, don't think they'd appreciate the ambiance.
Our quaking aspen is getting its revenge for removing it by sending up leaf shoots off some super big root extensions, yikes! Had to use the shovel and dig out over 12 feet of roots! We are also removing the rest of the small rock stepping circles that I thought was such a clever idea at the time. They did work out ok for the most part, but some had collected a lot of soil and provided a haven for dandelions and crab grass, so we are replacing them with paver rocks, just a few more to go!
great start! |
Off to the native plant sale tomorrow, see if I can squeeze in a few more appetizers for the bees and butterflies!
columbine |
columbine |
woodland phlox-chattahoochee |
bachelor button |
siberian wallflower |
wild geranium |
crimson clover |
flax |
violets |
peas! |
crimson clover and violets |
spurge |