Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Over In a Flash

Summer was over in a flash, a flash of beautiful color this Fall and in a flash of brittle cold in early November.  The garden was put to bed with compost and straw and the Juncos arrived with the cold and snow.  We were also visited by the cedar waxwings in our crabapple tree, then the cardinals, woodpeckers and chickadees also thought it was a good place to hang out, lots of little apples for everyone!  We don't have quite the extra produce in our coffers like last year, but plenty of peas.  I'm already planning on growing greens again this winter in the porch, and hoping for a warm up and sun!
harvest moon

Fall has arrived but still trying to ripen tomatoes under the cloth.

grasses and asters
love it!

I had to add a few pictures from our travels to the north shore, it was a beautiful week of weather and adventures.
north shore  a calm day

wildflowers on north shore

the Baptism river emptying into Superior

Fall and Falls

our beach front on Superior

The Cedars descend

Cedar Waxwing

cedar waxwing
Too soon
Downy woodpecker


Until Spring,