Saturday, August 10, 2013

August's Own Ideas



potatoes still healthy!



sweet surprise


So far August is more like September, great for consuming mass quantities of fried food at the state fair, but not so great for the vegetables trying to win top prize at the state fair. Also, not so great for the vegetables that are supposed to land on my dinner plate. I did see a bit o' pink on my tomatoes yesterday, and I do have several zucchini and a bag of beans in my vegetable drawer, but I haven't had any excess to freeze. Another visit to the farmers market next week! I'm still working on the garden site behind the house, just finishing up the edging around the side of the house, plus removing the rock and plastic my neighborhood landscaper's minions left behind in their "hurry up job" of rock removal. My own misbehavior of peasant garden squatting while doing this job has left me with plantars fasciitis, so now I'm moving in slow mo, embracing the Slow Gardening movement. Yes there is such a thing! (side note: the blog page is not allowing me to do much in the way of formatting so that is why everything is the way it is.. ) Greenie

wild 4 o'clock flower bud