Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Dry Goodbye

It seems to be this season's theme is disappearing months.  September was a busy month -planting trees, grasses, a few additional perennials, and harvesting!  Made it to the north shore for a quick trip of hiking, beer tasting and tree color, a nice getaway. 
So the tomatoes and peppers made it to October but the garden has been put to bed for the winter.  The few rutabegas we saved from the rabbits got very large and tasty!
I'm rebuilding the vegetable gardens with compost, putting in some new rubber edging that looks nice and fairly easy to install, just have to wrestle with it a bit, but better than digging! I don't need any more rocks this season.  I still have to drain and clean the ponds, and I don't think I'll over winter the lilies unless I try keeping them in a cooler in the garage. 
Next is finishing up the rubber edging and getting loads of mulch in there- still in a bit of indecision as far as the edging and the "look" of the trails in the garden.  I'll prepare the area on the patio by the fence for planting next Spring, either the hyacinth vine or maybe a perennial vine, and hope to figure out a system for the raised bed so less watering is necessary.
We added a total of eight trees this summer, a grape vine, various perennials including the runaway trumpet vine on the pergola.  Next summer will be interesting!
It's still dry, a bit of rain today finally, but way behind what is needed so we will keep watering and rain dancing.  Here's the photo finale!
new asters and mums(below)for more Fall color
vanderwolf-hope this color is normal for autumn!  
quaking aspen, junipers in back.  Leaf composter over veg. garden!

 dwarf apple- snowcrisp!
remember the color!