I've been pulling out infested squash left and right, but still have quite a few squash that don't seem to be infested - the borer even got into the zucchini- I didn't know they liked zucchini too! I did do surgery on the zucchini to remove the little offenders. So far the plant is doing ok, but I planted more seeds today, just in case it succumbs. I have a mystery melon, maybe watermelon? It is doing quite well, with a couple of fruits, but really can't tell for sure what it is.
Beans have been slow, hope they do better with less intense heat. The tomatoes are doing ok, just not gangbusters, like previous years. I have what seems to be dwarf roma plants with lots of normal sized tomatoes sitting on the ground.
The saddest sight of all are my peppers, which have never done fantastic in our yard but this year they appear to have some disease. Leaves are falling off and the peppers are small, often mutated. Potatoes have looked sickly too, but now the new growth appears healthier. I'll continue to spray with the fish fertilizer.
It was nice to have a day not 90 plus degrees and heavy humidity, especially after our much needed rain. Tomorrow, even drier and cooler air- sounds like a bike trip to me!