Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Deep Freeze

We are having a little cold snap here in Minnesota.  Not unusual for April but because we had such a warm March everything is a month ahead.  So, I'm covering up most of my perennials, and the cherry tree, which has alot of flower buds this year.
I also got another composter, with a dual container, which will enable us to let one side cook but keep adding to the other side.
Side note on the rye grass planted in the two beds, growing very well now.  Just not sure if I'll just cut it, or cut and lightly till into the soil.
Since the lasagna garden did not do to well over the winter, I may just leave the burlap on and cut slits for adding soil/compost, and then plants.
I'm off to get onions and potatoes to plant.  The peas are up!
hard freeze

rye grass in beds. lasagna garden. new composter.
