Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beautiful Days

We've had a nice run of beautiful days, less humid, a bit less heat, and also a reminder that summer is winding down. 
Between making pesto, peeling tomatoes and picking beans, I have to make some perennial plant moves.  Some did not meet expectations-mostly too short for their location, and need to find a better place in the garden.  Hope to get a bit more rain to help make the digging easier, but most of the plants being moved are still small.
We had our first melon, maybe our only, of the season and shared it with some neighbors during Friday happy hour- it was very tasty, and sweet.  I was surprised at how good it was.  Unfortunately, the two remaining melons are pretty tiny.  We will have two good sized butternut squash, but overall the melon and squash growing experience was disappointing.  More compost for next year!
So, I'm hoping these unidentified plants are my jerusalem artichokes.  I'll have to look up the leaf shape online since they haven't bloomed.  Maybe I've just been growing a weed!
Here are some pics-
butternut squash 
 tasty melon

giant swallowtail

milkweed bug(just out of nymph phase)

jerusalem artichokes??

Friday, August 5, 2011

Bunnies, Bees, and Butterflies, oh my

We are now at three bunnies of different sizes eating in our yard at the same time, rabbit stew anyone?  I think the smallest one knows his name "Bunny", and doesn't even run when I come outside.  Bunny decided to try the melon- hope it survives.  I finally have some butternut squash growing, and a couple of acorn squash.  The beans are blooming but slow to grow-only get a handful each time.  Fortunately, the tomatoes are pacing themselves.
The hyssops in the berm circle are huge and loaded with bees, of all sorts, but mostly bumbles, and a few butterflies too.  Double click on photos for bigger view.

spiderworts new home

bursting berm

purple prairie clover-love it

upside down pepper plant

trumpet vine triumph
 Moved the large spiderwort from the ponds edge, it was too tall for that space, and I was lucky to find some more St. John's wort for its replacement.  It is a great pond edging plant!

out with the spider, in with st. john's wort

where's waldo?  how many bees do you see?  Each plant had at least 20 bees that I could see, but I can only see a few in the photo
gotta go- next time melon and squash pics