It is a new World, a different country. An unthinkable war in Ukraine, and in our country, one million souls, probably more, lost to covid.
There will be no complaining of weather, growing progress, amount of sweat equity, rabbits, bugs, plant choices, or excessive winds, just reporting.
It is a glorious day today with temps in the 70's and wind. The yard looks great, the dandelions are going into full bloom, the fruit trees all have lots of bees busy at work.
So far I've moved a small juniper to a new location, planted a Nannyberry shrub back where the lilacs once resided, and Larry and I got the arbor finished and in place. Now I need to decide what vine will be planted, I may just plant some morning glories to grow on the arbor this year. I don't want to rush into anything!
I will be planting some more shrubs at the back of the yard along the fence. We had to prune up our big Spruce trees for the neighbors fence, and now we have a lot less protection for wildlife. So, we will add those shrubs and a couple of shrubs in the garden to add another dimension and some height plus more love for the birds. Birds love shrubs. I'm considering American cranberrybush, dogwood, summersweet, snowberry and butterfly bush. The fence area will probably be snowberry since that will tolerate shade and dry soil.
The old cherry tree looks good, full of blooms, hopefully that will result in cherries. I did fertilize again this year, but it didn't seem to help last year, time will tell. We are hopeful that the young 'sweet cherry pie' tree will do well with fruit, it is small but loaded with flowers.
I'm in no rush to plant any more edibles, the weather will be wet and cool in the coming week, plus we've been getting lots of asparagus to eat. The snow peas look good too, up a couple of inches.
We started Spring with four baby rabbits, but I'm now just seeing one bunny at a time in the yard, but maybe they take turns...
I'm hoping my little red squirrel returns, he was here this winter on and off, but I haven't seen him in several months. It is fun to watch his antics, especially when he chases the grey squirrels.
I think we have a nesting pair of Chipping Sparrows, and they don't seem to mind me. They are so tiny!
Time for some photos. Greenie
View of new Nannyberry shrub and area for more shrubs
good start on snow peas!
My lovely Pasque flowers, I'm slowly adding more from seedlings!
My day brightener wild tulips. The yellow ones bloom first, now the red, orange and pink blooms!
I love all the blooming trees, just got to get me some other color, a little chartreuse, pink?